Kazuchika Okada vs Kaito Kiyomiya

The instances of this feud are few and far between - they have to be, as Okada and Kiyomiya work for different promotions - but they are impactful nonetheless. Particularly their January 2023 match is truly a work of art.

Explainer from another Noah fan on Okada vs Kiyomiya
> Kaito's attempts to make an impression on Okada started in mid-2020, just before I started watching. He was young and brash and trying to make an identity for himself as someone other than "the youngest GHC champion" since he'd recently lost the title, and he put out an appeal to fight two people: Muto and Okada.
> > He got his wish to fight Muto, and lost. And then fought him the next year and lost. And fought Muta a few times for good measure, and got bloodied and misted and run into by a (very slow) car and increasingly unhinged. At that point Ogawa stepped in and started giving him extra training, which got him to where he could draw with Muto in the 2021 N1, but Kaito's next challenge was to beat Ogawa. To move beyond his mentor so he could accomplish his own goals.
> > It would take a while, and he wasn't there yet by the time he got to fight Okada in January 2022, but he finally managed it last May, and beat Muto outright last July. That's when Muto gave him three of his moves, and he started using the Shining Wizard as his finisher. Which was all well and good, but just turning into Muto isn't enough to lead the company. He needed to move beyond that just like he had moved beyond Ogawa.
> > That's where Kenoh comes in. Everyone should read Rachel's article about that, which I will link next. But with Kenoh's help (ruthless aggression and prodding Kaito to be his own man), Kaito finally got to a place where he's building on what Ogawa (and, through him, Misawa) and Muto and even Kenoh have taught him, but adapting it for his own use instead of copying them.
> > So now he can confidently face Okada and take the fight to him, because he's not the upstart baby ace anymore - he IS the ace of Noah now, confident and secure in himself, and he's not asking for Okada's attention anymore - he's demanding his respect. It's so so cool and I'm so proud of him.

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